This Week's Obsessions Part 2

Welcome to This Week's Obsessions, where I tell you about the things I've been obsessing over this past week. These obsessions are not necessarily book-related, but you may find some of these things as cool as I did! Then, we can obsess about this stuff together! Doesn't that sound like fun?

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1. Doug Baltz's Best Travel Photos Board on Pinterest

I have a deep love for beautiful photography, particularly of buildings, landscape, and nature (less so with people, but I do appreciate it too). Some times I look at beautiful photos just to look at beautiful photos, and some times I look to find inspiration for places or scenes I want to write, but this board is perfect for both occasions. Absolutely gorgeous! I also have an intense love affair with traveling, so this board combines the best of both worlds. I don't know if Baltz takes these or finds them or has a team of people who go out and take these photos, but whatever he does, however he gets them, I hope he never stops. (Click the photo to experience the amazingness that is this board for yourself!)

2. Cat Plays Guessing Game video

So, I found this video a couple days ago, and it's just so funny! I have four cats, so I find cat videos particularly amusing since cats are absolutely hilarious creatures, but this cat goes from complete incredulity when it gets an answer wrong to being so sure of its answer that it literally just swipes it off the table like, "BAM. I got this b." and then gets up to leave. My dad and I watched this video approximately fifteen times. And then he called my mom in to watch it too. It's only a minute, what have you got to lose?

3. "Best Song Ever" by One Direction

I'm not a huge 1D fan (I don't hate them, but I don't follow them either), but I love this video. When I first heard this song on Spotify, I was suspicious. Did they really write a song patting themselves on the back for being the best pop band with the best song ever? No, they didn't. And they didn't do a traditional boy-meets-girl video either. My boss showed it to me at work, and I could not stop laughing, because this is me and my friends, particularly the dorky dance number at the end. Literally, each one of our signature dance moves is represented, and what was better was when I showed this to them, they laughed at the same parts I did and called out each others' names at the same places I did, so essentially we all recognize that 1D basically represented our friendship in six minutes. Really, there are so many things to love about this video. Thank you for your wacky sense of humor, guys.



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